“Gal Gadot Soars as Wonder Woman with Breathtaking Aerial Acrobatics at U.S. Capitol – Thanks to Skilled Stunt Double”

Even though she plays a character as strong and independent as Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot does not hesitate to seek help from professionals when necessary. During the filming of a scene on Monday, the actress enlisted the help of a stunt double to perform a difficult maneuver. However, before that, Gadot herself showed off her fearlessness by performing an impressive series of aerial stunts outside the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. Check out the video below for a glimpse of the action.

The real deal: The hotly anticipated sequel is set to hit theatres in November next year.

Gal Gadot shows off her amazing aerial gymnastics skills in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. with the assistance of a skilled stunt double on Monday. The talented actress embodies the iconic superhero Wonder Woman with her stunning performance.

Gal showed off her fearless side as she executed a remarkable array of aerial stunts during her performance.

Professional help: The stunt double, who wore a wig to look just like Gal, was used for the more ambitious stunts in front of the Capitol, rising high into the air

Assistance from an expert: A wig-wearing stunt double, resembling Gal, was hired for the bolder stunts performed in front of the Capitol, soaring to great heights.

Dressed up in the legendary Wonder Woman costume, Gal was securely fastened into a safety harness before being lifted into the air in front of a few cars. Attached to the apparatus, the 33-year-old Israeli effortlessly glided forward, performing for the cameras. For the more daring stunts in front of the Capitol, a stunt double who resembled Gal with a wig was used, soaring high into the sky.

Every precaution: Gal, clad in the iconic Wonder Woman outfit, was carefully belted into a safety harness, before being hoisted to the air in front of some cars

Prior to being lifted up in front of a line of cars, Gal Gadot, dressed in the recognizable Wonder Woman costume, made sure all necessary safety measures were taken by securely fastening a safety harness.

Action: Rigged up to the device, the 33-year-old Israeli glided along in front of the vehicles, acting for the cameras

The 33-year-old Israeli was attached to the device and smoothly moved ahead of the automobiles, performing for the camera’s benefit.

Here she goes: Gal is hard at work on the sequel, with the new flick titled Wonder Woman 1984

Gal Gadot is currently working diligently on the sequel to the highly successful Wonder Woman movie. The sequel is called Wonder Woman 1984 and stars Gal Gadot once again as the fierce Amazonian warrior. This time around, she will be facing off against a new adversary, The Cheetah, portrayed by Kristen Wiig. Set during the Cold War in 1984, the film is being directed and produced by Patty Jenkins, who was also behind the first movie’s success. Other producers include Charles Roven, Deborah Snyder, Zack Snyder, and Stephen Jones.

She's a Wonder: Starring Gal Gadot as the Amazonian warrior once again, Wonder Woman¿s next big screen adventure sees her battle an all new foe, The Cheetah, played by Kristen Wiig

Get ready to witness the amazing Gal Gadot reprise her role as the mighty Amazonian warrior in the upcoming Wonder Woman movie. This time, she’s going head-to-head with a new villain, The Cheetah, portrayed by Kristen Wiig. The action-packed adventure promises to keep you on the edge of your seat!

Life off: Gal balanced on a cooler at the start of the shot

The beginning of the shot shows a woman maintaining her balance on top of a cooler, indicating that she is living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment.

Ready to roll: Filming for the production is set to take place in Washington, D.C., Alexandria, Virginia, the UK, Spain and the Canary Islands

All set to go: The filming schedule for the project is confirmed to be held in various locations such as Washington, D.C., Alexandria, Virginia, Spain, the UK and the Canary Islands.

We'll have to wait: The hotly anticipated sequel is set to hit theatres in November next year

The much-awaited follow-up to the hit movie is scheduled for release in November of next year, but we’ll just have to exercise some patience until then. In addition to Kristen, Pedro Pascal will be joining the ensemble cast while Chris Pine will be returning as Steve Trevor. The team will be shooting scenes in various locations including Washington, D.C., Alexandria, Virginia, the UK, Spain and the Canary Islands. Director Patty and DC Entertainment president Geoff Johns have both hinted that the sequel will take place in 1984.

Impressive: Wonder Woman (at least, her talented stunt double) gets airborne

Pretty amazing: The stunt double of Wonder Woman is able to fly through the air.

All pro: The muscular and talented stuntswoman is seen in the harness, against the iconic backdrop of the Capitol

In this image, we see an impressive stuntswoman with well-defined muscles performing her craft while suspended in a harness. The iconic Capitol building serves as a fitting backdrop for this stunning display of skill and strength.

Taking flight: The pro will take Gal's place for the more dangerous stunts, although the actress also does many of her own

Gal Gadot will have a stunt double for the dangerous scenes in the upcoming Wonder Woman sequel, although she will also perform many of her own stunts. Director Patty Jenkins confirmed on Twitter that the film, titled “WW84,” will take place after the first movie’s events during World War I. The highly anticipated sequel is scheduled for release in November next year. Actress Lynda Carter, who played Wonder Woman in the TV series, has discussed a cameo role with Jenkins, but ultimately the decision lies with Warner Bros and budget constraints.

High flying: Gal holds onto the ropes as she soars skyward

The woman clings to the ropes while she lifts off into the air, experiencing a sensation of soaring above the ground.

Acting: The 33-year-old concentrates on her moves

The 33-year-old focuses on her actions during her performance.

Crowd scene: Plenty of extras were enlisted for the detailed shoot

The production team gathered a large number of additional actors to participate in the intricate filming.

She's a fire starter: The superhero is pictured against some first responders during the filming

The image showcases the heroic character as a fire starter, standing alongside first responders during filming.

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