Jennifer Lawrence “reveals” how to stay in shape – the secret to helping actors reap many sweet fruits despite their young age


In 2017, Jennifer Lawrence appeared in a highly controversial film, along with shocking revelations about her past of nude photography and strong feminist statements. People see in her a kind of light, not only the aura emanating from a successful female artist but also a strong, straightforward beauty.

The actress is considered the representative face of the new generation of actresses in Hollywood, full of talent and difference. In the March women ‘s issue , Vanity Fair chose her to be the cover face with the theme “New Light Source”.

Jennifer Lawrence reveals how to stay in shape - the secret to helping actors reap many sweet fruits despite their young age - Photo 1.

Regarding the topic of staying in shape and losing weight , Jennifer Lawrence admits that she is not a strict dieter. She even loves pizza and french fries but still maintains a slim, fiery body.


Among them, the person most instrumental in helping Jennifer Lawrence stay in shape is her personal trainer, Dalton Wong. The secret to keeping in shape of this beautiful and talented girl is:

Jennifer Lawrence reveals how to stay in shape - the secret to helping actors reap many sweet fruits despite their young age - Photo 2.

Practice during filming

While filming X-Men: First Class, Coach Wong always followed Jennifer Lawrence every day for 10-12 hours for 3 months. When filming in Oxford, she often starts her day by exercising 20-30 minutes outdoors. She often runs with her coach outside in nature, helping her body refresh and welcome a new day more actively.

Jennifer Lawrence reveals how to stay in shape - the secret to helping actors reap many sweet fruits despite their young age - Photo 3.

Spend 15 minutes on each high-intensity workout

During a day of filming, Jennifer will regularly practice high-intensity 15-minute exercises with her trainer. This is completely suitable for people with irregular exercise schedules and busy work hours like Jennifer.

Jennifer Lawrence reveals how to stay in shape - the secret to helping actors reap many sweet fruits despite their young age - Photo 4.

In this short, high-intensity 15-minute workout, the beautiful actress stays in shape with a series of 15-minute power circuits, focusing heavily on her butt and lower legs.

Jennifer Lawrence reveals how to stay in shape - the secret to helping actors reap many sweet fruits despite their young age - Photo 5.

Practice yoga relaxation as an integral part of your exercise routine

Jennifer’s workout ends the day with yoga and deep breathing. With its relaxing effect, yoga is extremely good at reducing stress, thereby helping you sleep better, be able to tolerate high-intensity exercise better, and thus practice better the next day.

Jennifer Lawrence reveals how to stay in shape - the secret to helping actors reap many sweet fruits despite their young age - Photo 6.

Especially with breathing exercises in yoga, Jennifer pays close attention to following the instructor’s instructions: Inhale through the nose, fill the lower abdomen, stretch the ribs, then the chest and throat, then exhale through the nose. 3 times, keeping a steady rhythm as you repeat the movement. This is an extremely effective relaxation exercise, helping you sleep better.

Jennifer Lawrence reveals how to stay in shape - the secret to helping actors reap many sweet fruits despite their young age - Photo 7.

Use bodyweight exercises alternately

Bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges, pushups, and planks are also highly emphasized by the actress to stay in shape because they can be practiced anywhere, without the need for weights or any type of machinery. This is also a series of exercises that Coach Wong designed specifically for the beautiful actress’s busy day and night filming schedule.

Jennifer Lawrence reveals how to stay in shape - the secret to helping actors reap many sweet fruits despite their young age - Photo 8.

Snack smart

In Jennifer’s snack menu, her coach often chooses foods for her such as full-fat Greek yogurt, dark chocolate, vegetables… She is also often advised to add green vegetables to her diet. your snacks. Jennifer often eats popcorn without butter – has fewer calories than bananas, contains 2 times more antioxidants than fruit; Ground soy butter spread on celery, cashews served with blueberries, almond milk with 1 scoop of protein powder for the perfect post-workout snack, walnuts and a few apple slices, boiled eggs… The combination These smart snacks have helped beauties effectively stay slim.

Jennifer Lawrence reveals how to stay in shape - the secret to helping actors reap many sweet fruits despite their young age - Photo 9.

Sip water if you’re still hungry after a light meal

Instead of eating more, Jennifer was advised to drink water instead because she was most likely mistaking her body for being hungry, when in fact she was not. Drinking water will make you eat a little less. There is no need to drink a lot of water at once, you just need to sip water a little at a time and drink water throughout the day to keep your body healthy and functioning at its best. Thanks to applying this method, Jennifer has gradually understood her body, increasingly adapted to the healthy diet given by the coach, thereby effectively keeping in shape.

Jennifer Lawrence reveals how to stay in shape - the secret to helping actors reap many sweet fruits despite their young age - Photo 10.

Taking a nap – an effective solution to help lose weight

Coach Wong always advises Jennifer that when traveling or going anywhere and feeling tired, take a nap. Closing your eyes is one of the easiest ways to lose weight . A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that sleep-deprived people burned only 385 calories per day. Closing your eyes and relaxing will help you stay in shape much more effectively.

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